Sunday, April 13, 2008

Engagement Evaluation

Okay, this isn't something i like to do, to evaluate myself, but here it goes..

For community contributer..i think i would give myself a 1, because half the time i have NO CLUE what Mr.Loken is on about in class, but i try to make sense of what he says. Also because i do not often provide useful questions for the class. But i do try to explain my weird theories and interpretations to those of whom i work with.

As for active learner, i would give myself a 1.5? I often panic at the sight of a complicated problem, because my brain reacts a little bizarre when it comes to things with a lot of math. But i do like trying to understand those of what im clueless of, and i am really grateful for people like Terence and Jenai who exchange ideas with me about problems [jenai mostly explains ha, she's smart you see]

I would probably give myself a 1 for high character, because i feel really ashamed of my "appearance" in class. I often slouch in my seat or support my broken-like head with my arms because of the forever going math class i have right before physics. I apologize for disrespecting
Mr. Loken if he felt offended by my lack of enthusiasm [my brain just doesn't function too well after maths]. Apart from that i do try not to make a huge scene in class and i believe i do respect others.

Critical thinker and Probelm solver is probably harder to give myself credit for, because i often do not get the questions and it takes me an extremely long time understand what the question is asking me. I also freak out when i really don't understand anything but i do try and solve each problem i'm set to. I often say i give up, and sulk because i'm clueless but inside i'm very unsatisfied, which keeps me going ha, trying to find the answer with others help. So overall i think i'd make it to a 1.5

Last but not least there is effective communication. This i am totally not good at with verbal explanations, as you would see in any podcast i do or when i give a short lecture of "what i think i know" to my friends. I don't do well explaining through my mouth but i think i do it better on paper. In class when i try to make my point in discussion, it never really...gets through. I think it is something i could improve on, not only in science, but actually everywhere. So maybe i'll pass with a 1.5

[this is for Sir Loken] you may have had even lower estimates for my grade, who knows. I know the overall of my "self evaluation" is very low, but i have been pretty honest with what i think about myself compared to others in the class


Ray-The Game Pro....XD said...

Community Contributor: I think your right because, I rarely see you asnwering question than asking question. but still you did good in other classes in getting to understand the big picture of what teacher are saying.

Active Learner: I think you get a 2 because, like what I said in the second one. You ask alot of question to get yourself to understand the topic. For example in math class you ask question to understand, and that good.

Person Of High Character: I think you get a 1, but your not that bad in class. You can be good too, just try your best.

Ray-The Game Pro....XD said...

Sorry..not done yet...

Critical Thinker: I think you are better than what you wrote to yourself. Because I often see you asking question, and that shows a sign of critical thinking. For example some people would just sit back and wait until the last minute to get help. But you are different, you ask question when you don't get it. That's a good thing. So I think you get a 2....

Effective Communicator: I agree with you because I sometimes my self don't get what you say. But You give really good point if you explain it well. You can do better

[My Comment]---Gosh dude...Stop being so negative about yourself. No one is perfect, even I make mistake or have same problem as you. But I be happy facing the challenge. So...My idea is be Happy :D

Maggie said...

half the time i have NO CLUE what Mr.Loken is on about in class
↑Me tooXD But unless you will try.

[my brain just daoesn't function too well after maths
↑ my brain never get to the right function

Looking your comment is funny and feel relax, you are to humble to your self~~
But you always saying the right point :D

Mr. Loken said...

I like what Ray said, "Gosh dude stop being so hard on yourself. Enjoy facing the challenge!" Don't be so hard on yourself. Enjoy the journey.